Hitch-hiking, 5

A lot of things were said during the past days, we were talking almost constantly. Here are five of my favourite quotes:

“She has interviewed us all the time, sticking the microphone up our faces. Even when we stand on the street buying *****, she comes up with her microphone. The guy asked if we were policemen dammit!” said about me recording our whole trip.

“I have lost my swedish now hey, I can’t speak swedish anymore with all these other languages.” said in Germany, we speak both swedish and english since Jiaxin doesn’t understand so much swedish and with all german, dutch and french it got too much for Umud.

“Listen to them, he speaks swenglish and she chinglish, how do they understand each other?” said about Umud and Jiaxin while talking to each other, both using words from their own languages (Umud swedish, Jiaxin chinese) while speaking english.

“How can you live there? Du you understand what they say? Or do you speak english?” talking of me choosing to live in Skåne, a swedish province with a very distinct dialect that stands out a lot from the rest of the swedish dialects.

“I don’t get my brother hey, he refuses to lend me one of his shoes. I only had one shoe, had to stand only on my one leg dammit.” said at a halting-place in Germany after Farid came back from the toilets with only one shoe.

Unfortunately a big piece of the fun is removed when the sentences are ripped out and the whole scene isn’t displayed. But these are some of the topics of our road trip.

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